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IPL 2025 Cricket Pools

IPL Cricket 2025 pickem pools

Tournament starts: Saturday, March 22, 2025

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Cricket Predictor Pools are Free

Optional Upgrades Available

Upgrade Options

IPL Cricket 2025 Pick Winner for each game as tournament progresses

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Optional Upgrade Features / Pricing

IPL Cricket 2025

Create your IPL Cricket pickem pool right here at Pooltracker - it's easy with our IPL Cricket pool software! Everyone loves to participate in office pools. There's no better way to bring the office together for fun and camaraderie. Get ready for the 2025 IPL Cricket pool early with Get your office - and your pickem pool - together!

We'll show you how to make and set up a cricket pool and how to go through your pool results. With Pooltracker, your office Cricket pool will be online here at Using our website means you no longer have to run your office pool by hand. This leaves you more time to enjoy the IPL Cricket festivities.

What It Is

Challenge you and your friends to a custom ODI Cricket pickem pool. Everyone makes picks for each match. View each other's picks and standings after each match.

Accrue points based on the outcome of each match. Don't worry, we do all of the calculations..


Object of the Game

The object of the game is to accumulate as many points as you can, for the entire tournament. On our standings page, you can view pool standings for the entire IPL Cricket tournament, at any time.


How It Works

All tournament matches are in the system on 1 picks page. The stage 1 matches will be available for picking once the schedule has been released. The 2 Semi-finals matchups are not known until after stage 1 completes. Once stage 1 completes, the semi-final teams will be put into the system on the same picks sheet as the 45 stage 1 matches. Once the semi-final teams are in the system, players will have to return to, to the picks page to make their semi-final predictions. And players will have to return again after the semi-final matches are complete, to predict the final match.

Teams for the semi-final and final matches will be enterred into the system, shortly after they are determined.



We have 4 different scoring options to choose from.
Straight Pick em
» 1 point for each correct pick
Ranked Pick em
» For each correct pick, users will receive the number of points equal to the confidence rank that they entered for that game.
» The goal is to score the most points, which may not equate to the most wins
» The "catch" is that ranking numbers can only be used once
  • Put high points on your most confident pick
  • Put low points on your least confident pick

Straight Pick 'em - Losses count negative
» 1 point for each correct pick
» -1 point for each incorrect pick
Ranked Pick 'em - Losses count negative
» For each incorrect pick, users will have the number of points equal to their confidence rank for that game subtracted from their total.
» The goal is to score the most points, which may not equate to the most wins
» The "catch" is that ranking numbers can only be used once
  • Put high points on your most confident pick
  • Put low points on your least confident pick



When does the IPL Cricket 2025 pool start?

Saturday, March 22, 2025.


Other Options

Pool administrators can abdicate their admin prividges, to avoid any chance or thought of impropriety, from other poolies. We ask that the pool administrator send us an email requesting us to remove his admin priviledges after all the settings have been configured and all expected players have joined. This is so no other admin tasks are required.


SN: f3dc6m