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2025 - 2026 English Premier League Predictor

2025 English Premier League Predictor Pools

Get your pool together NOW!

EPL matches are in!
It's football predictor season again! We offer traditional pickem-style English Premier League pools, that start with the first touch of the season and run through the last match.

EPL Predictor Pools are Free

Optional Upgrades Available

Upgrade Options

Create your EPL predictor pool

Choose from 4 different scoring methods for your football predictor pool.
what is an epl football predictor pool?
 English Premier League 2024-2025

Feature highlights:

  • Commissioners can customize picks deadlines
  • Commissioners can edit anyone's picks at any time
  • Players can view everyone's picks (after picks deadline)
  • Players can add additional sets of picks

Upgrade Options

Common question:

Why are there only 36 weeks in the EPL pool? There are 38 scheduled weeks.


We go by calendar weeks. A couple of EPL's weeks are Tuesday/Wednesday games. We combine all games between Tuesday and the following Monday.

Football Predictor/Pickem Pool Expertise

We've been hosting EPL football predictor pools on the Internet for years!



SN: 69awyx